Tara Flik Wolf wants to smash my face in proper and the anonymous cowards of Freedom News support him

Tara Flik Wolf aka Wood is a danger to women. Not necessarily all women all of the time. Those who show sufficient reverence, who nurture his false identity, who feed his fantasies and fail to challenge the disturbed and disordered behaviour he displays – in particular, his manifest eagerness to intimidate and hurt women – are probably safe for the time being.

Every other woman is at risk – men, not so much. Actually not at all, I reckon.

How might I personally have offended this mentally unstable individual over the years? Firstly, by gathering with others at a public meeting point to go to a feminist meeting, secondly by filming a protest staged by him and other offended anti-feminists at Speakers’ Corner, thirdly by reporting the punishment he inflicted on me for doing so to the police and co-operating with the criminal justice system. Fourthly, by commenting on a Facebook page nearly two years after he was convicted of assaulting me.

In spite of his mental illness, Tara Flik Wolf is highly privileged, not least in having the fierce protection afforded to him by the lackeys and handmaids of groups like Class War, Sisters Uncut and the Freedom Press website, which recently posted an extremely vicious, false and defamatory article about me.

I am grateful to all those who have – whether publicly or privately – articulated their anger and disgust at the behaviour of these regressive political groups while expressing support for me. After considering the matter carefully, I’ve decided not to do anything about either Wolf or Freedom News at the moment apart from make another video because my saying anything public about Tara Wolf seems to upset them quite a lot.

Indeed it upset them so much they managed to get YouTube to remove it but I simply made a few alterations anonymising the handmaid, Helen Parsons, and reuploaded it. It’s here and I’ve got the full content in blog form here.


Originally published 19.02.20

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