LGB Alliance
Dear handmaids… (my response to an open letter to Liz Truss)
I owe a debt of gratitude to 44-year-old retired Mixed Martial Arts fighter, Fallon Fox. Fox was the first athlete in MMA history to be openly transgender – though he only admitted it after he’d already taken part in two professional fights in the women’s division. During the course of his career, he knocked two women out: one of them – Tamikka Brents – sustained an orbital bone fracture and a head wound requiring seven staples. Six years later, Fox is still boasting about it.
Why am I grateful to him? Well, because he publicly represents all that is rotten about transgender ideology. Like all male athletes competing in women’s sporting events, he’s a cheat. And, like so many trans-identifying men, he is a violent misogynist thug.
Yet we are supposed to accept him as a woman, ‘respect his pronouns’, etc, etc. Who can blame us for feeling uncomfortable and even afraid of being in a changing room or being followed into the Ladies by men like Fox? And it’s not as if he’s the only one.
The Polo Lounge in Glasgow: scene of more inhumanity from the trans cult
We know by now that trans activists will – without a trace of irony – describe anyone who doesn’t fully submit to their absurd ideology and prioritise their interests over all others as ‘haters’, ‘bigots’ and ‘transphobes’. That includes anyone concerned with preserving women’s sex-based protections from men whose claim to womanhood is based on subjective feelings and anyone who dares to point out that gay/lesbian means same-sex attracted.
Having seen WPUK repeatedly described, since its launch in November 2017, as a ‘hate group’ for brazenly stating that they are against all forms of discrimination, that they believe in the right of everyone to live their lives free from discrimination and harassment and for – heaven forbid – even providing a platform to transsexual speakers like Kristina Harrison and Debbie Hayton, who dare to disagree with certain articles of transgender faith, it came as no surprise to see, from the moment it was set up in October last year, the LGB Alliance described in the exact same way. Nor was it a surprise that it was targeted with various acts of malice and attempted sabotage, such as the setting up of fake Twitter accounts purporting to be from the Alliance and getting its crowdfunding page temporarily taken down after falsely representing its motives to JustGiving.
But what are the motives of the LGB Alliance and why is it attracting such opprobrium?